Men's and Women's Discipleship formation Groups

Small groups are a central part of a member's life in Christ. In these groups of 3 to 12 people that meet twice a month, we grow as disciples of Christ--revolutionary learners who are governing our lives by Jesus’ voice.

Small groups are an intimate context for men and women to be challenged and nurtured to mature out of the revelation and experience of our death with Christ and our joint resurrection with Him -- this one, great act of God that is present in power and makes us new creations. Our whole lives are being immersed by the Spirit into the Body of Christ. Being a part of an MDCC small group is about a radical new way of living in Christ and an overcoming daily experience that comes from union with Christ and His church.

The primary thing that we do in our small groups is summarized in Ephesians 4:15: “Speaking the truth in love...” Each person comes prepared to share how the TRUTH has changed them over the past two weeks -- truth as it is revealed in the Word, revealed in Christ’s death and resurrection, and manifested inside us by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The result of what we do in the men's and women's small groups -- speaking the truth in love -- is also summarized in Ephesians 4:15: “we will grow up in every way and in all things into Him who is the head--Christ.” The fruit of living life with the cross as our beginning point and our reference point -- and sharing that life with one another -- is growth into the authority and stature of Christ. We are connected with the eternal life of God -- a spiritual DNA that governs the development of the Body and causes each individual to increase in Christ and to overcome sin, the world and the devil.